The dialectics of war and peace in the ukrainian society.


  • V. O. Skvorets Запорізький національний університет


conceptual power, neoliberal reforms, current war, people’s lifestyle, the social organism of Ukraine, national interests of the Ukrainian people, the ideology of mammonizm


The article aims to represent the correlation between war and peace in modern Ukrainian society. The author analyzes Ukraine’s social processes, which diminished the country’s social organism in peaceful times, intensified its contradictions and fostered a military conflict, taking into consideration the specifics of modern warfare, theoretical interpretation of the conceptual power phenomenon and the concept of nation’ lifestyle. The analysis of social changes in modern Ukraine should be considered in the light of modern ideas about war and its aims, which are achieved with the help of political, organizational, financial, economic, ideological, cultural, informational and other means based on the same principle as secret services and intelligence use. Experts (M. Senchenko) consider every astonishing factor as a carefully designed program of invasion into the social body similar to virus with further damaging and destroying the lifestyle and life sustenance of people, society and state. One should study the correlation between war and peace in Ukraine in the context of including the Ukrainian society into the "super-society", the impact of such a social phenomenon as a conceptual power. Experts (I. Solonko) regard it as the power of people able to generate social processes, covering the life of society during many generations and proceed according to the developed concept.

The management of the Ukrainian society after gaining the independence was carried out according to a foreign concept. The market-style reforms of 90-s based on the model of M. Friedman and Friedrich Hayek prove that. They ruined the economic system and caused the drop in Gross Domestic Product nearly in 2.5 times by 2000. After their beginning the Ukrainian society is suffering from the permanent systemic crisis; the reforms have led to a demographic crisis and recognition of the Ukrainian people as "dying nation". The implementation of these reforms involves foreign advisors who destroyed the economy of Ukraine, thus giving way to foreign multinationals, while Ukrainian authorities constantly ignored national interests of their people. Besides, the priority of foreign policy integration led to social and cultural stratification of the society; Ukrainian political leaders failed to develop their own concept of governance. Neoliberal reforms in Ukraine significantly transformed people, society and public awareness. Under the circumstances of transition from the state dominance to the market dominance the process of social development in Ukraine turned into the economic and social destruction. The commercialization affected all the spheres of public life in Ukraine, even those where this process is destructive for the society (public authorities, state administration, defense system, national security, law enforcement bodies). Now the type of "economic man" or "man without world view" dominates. Due to the market reforms the cult of money (Mammon) became firmly established in the lives of many Ukrainian citizens. "Mammonizm" appears as Ukraine’s dominant ideology. So, the transition to the market dominance and mammonizm created a certain social environment in the society, favourable for war. An intensive illegal trade between belligerents; the enrichment of some groups of people in the war; the emergence of private military companies; the involvement of hired military men for combat prove that fact. The mass-media continue the war of images even in the period of truce, thus fulfilling the will of certain ruling circles. Thus, the process of transformation of the Ukrainian society was based on works of Western theorists and involved foreign advisors. It was carried out for the benefit of foreign trans-national companies contrary to the national interests. Besides, Ukraine’s political elite was involved in destructing the current lifestyle and plundering national wealth. So, destructive processes occurred in all social spheres. The analysis mentioned above confirms they displayed a foreign conceptual power. The most important consequences of hidden war against Ukraine are: 1) its transformation into a dying nation and maintenance of this state; 2) the decline of economy, deintellectualization, deindustrialization and the loss of the status of a high-tech state; 3) the destruction of collectivist principles in social organization and the establishment of individualistic principles; 4) the promotion of historical and cultural type of "economic man" as dominant in the society; 5) the secret approval of mammonizm as the dominant ideology of the Ukrainian society.


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