The scientific worldview and challenges of globalization.


  • A. V. Bilokobylskyi


science, worldview, scientific approach, social reality


In the article mechanisms of a cognitive "entry" of subject into a social reality, which maintain the legitimacy of an ideal source of scientific approach to the world even beyond religious tradition, which gave birth to this approach, is being specified. It's being substantiated science's realism in the medieval meaning of this term, and problems, which relate to the scientific worldview's loss of cultural exclusivity, are being discussed. Initial point of reflection is the analysis of philosophical and scientific theories of world image, created by V.Stepyn and J.Holton, and the author of the article considers that optimal is a characteristic of these theories as of realism in the medieval meaning of this word. Author thinks over the nature of "feeling" the objective, which is inherent in person and which is a result of intersubjective and subjective, connection of unique and individual experience of generally valid cultural models. At the same time if individual sensual experience can be associated with same irritants subjects of this experience, which have different cultural and social directions, will be able to include this experience in different"objective" world images. Each culture creates its own ontology- mytho-religious complex of beliefs, which are confirmed by the experience of individuals, which are socialized within this culture. In its turn, transformation of ontological level is followed by the transformation of world image, which is approved within this cultural areal. So, secularization of Christian ontology led to the appearance of ontological or metaphysical core of science of Modern era. In the article the process of Christian imperatives transformation into modern values, which as a result of globalization have spread around the world and became a base for the appearance of non-Western modern world images, and also for mobilization of proper communities, is being considered. In its turn the appearance of alternative world images relativized ontology, which is a base of Western science.


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