The category of presupposition in modern pragmatics and approaches to study it.


  • T. S. Kalashnikova ПВНЗ «Краматорський Економіко-гуманітарний інститут», м. Краматорськ


рresupposition, theory of speech acts, pragmatics, the rules of projection of presuppositions, the efficiency of communication, communicative contacts, complex predispozicii, movleneva conduct


The article considers the problems, which arise in modern pragmatics and the theory of speech acts and concern the definition and the study of the category of presupposition, such as constancy under negation, projection rules, and the role in establishing successful communication. Also we outline the further study of presupposition functioning in natural speech acts. The necessity of research of funkciyuvannya is well-proven presupozicii in material acts and determination of basic specifications of this category. Investigational nizminnist' presupoziciy at a denial, the rules of projection of presupoziciy are considered, certainly influence of presupoziciy on progress of communication in general.

It is set that the presence of рresupposition gives possibility to get more information from claims of комуниканта, what it was directly pronounced them. An identical set of рresupposition is one of the basic requirements for establishment of successful communication.


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