Global society on the threshold of singularity.


  • O. Riabeka Національний педагогічний університет ім. М.П. Драгоманова


planetary world, social singularity, globalization, attractor, order parameter, network society, knowledge society, organized society, information society


The aim of the article is to provide the analytical view on the future structure of global world after the intensive self-development phase of modern globalization process that has embraced all of its components and forms its own configuration of our lifestyle. Therefore, the author finds it reasonable to use such methodological instrument as singularity and study the planetary world at the moment when this phenomenon may finally go beyond the limits of the existing rationality in everyday life and customary rigid state management, even with the elements of broadened public participation. The author assumes that social singularity emerges when planetary community, having generated social world, loses control over it and goes to the unknown phase of posthuman existence. According to the author, at present there are three regularities of self-development of planetary social world in modern globalization process, leading to the formation of ontological, information and organizational unity of planetary community in the XXI century. Posthuman world, which will eventually appear, may be so strange for us that now we may know almost nothing about it. The only exclusion can be fundamental laws of nature, but there are still undiscovered laws (for example, quantum gravity theory) or not completely understood consequences of the known laws (travelling through spatial hole, creation of «infant universes», time journeys etc.) by means of which posthumans can do whatever we consider physically impossible. And predictions of thinkers usually fulfill. It is logical to raise the question of information society and its role in the evolution of planetary community.


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