Analysis verbalization of conceptual space generosity in the history of Russian Language and culture.


  • G. S. Yarotska


concept of avarice / generosity, history of the Russian language XI-XIX centuries, component values, cognitive signs, Russian linguistic culture


The article attempts to analyze one of the most important constant of Russian culture – the «generosity». The dynamics of verbal representation of generosity in the Russian language XI-XІX centuries were analyzed based on the dictionaries of the corresponding period. Cognitive signs are represented in a number lexems (щедрость, милосердие, тороватость, чивость, нескупость, расточительность et al), which are described in accordance with the three-component structure of concept: logical-rational, figurative and perceptive, value components. In this article, we are focused on the relevance and importance for the traditional Russian culture ideas of charity, mutual aid (generosity), as well as anti-values (расточительствo, мотовствo) – negative assessment which is made in Russian linguistic culture based on the priorities of thrift. As a result of our analysis, we concluded that semantics of spending of material resources in the studied period and in the modern Russian language is based on the notion of «a worthy goal», which is formed within the communitarian values of mutual aid, charity and compassion which are from Orthodoxy in Russian culture.


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